Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my new website and blog. This has been a dream of mine for a long time and I am super excited to finally be launching it. I am hoping this will be a place to come and get inspired!
In this blog I will be sharing my love for knitting, yarn, art, and design. I’ll include ideas and instructions for adding embellishments to patterns to make your own fun, one-of-a-kind pieces. I will post tutorials of some of my favourite techniques. I’ll show you some new projects I am working on and, of course, share free patterns!!
A Little About Me

So, to get started, here is a little about me. My name is Heather and I live on the east coast of Canada in the beautiful province of New Brunswick. I am a self-taught, left-handed knitter. I’m definitely not an expert but I have been knitting pretty much daily since 2003 and professionally knitting and designing since 2008. I’m not great at teaching the basics (lefty here), there are lots of amazing knitting gurus out on the internet with fantastic tutorials. Instead, I’m hoping to share some of the finishing techniques I’ve picked up over the years.
I am a huge fan of wool, I love handwash only, soft and breathable, felt-able and shape-able, pure wool. When I work with wool I feel like a knitter and a sculptor. I knit up my 3-dimensional object, pick up some stitches and knit on extra details. I handwash with a little agitation, fulling the wool. I’ll mold it into the perfect shape and when it’s dry add some needle-felted details to bring it to life. Guys, we are more than crafters and knitters, we are artists!! Our little knit creations are much more than just little slippers and hats, they are handcrafted pieces of wearable art.
More Coming Soon

Thanks so much for checking out this page and bare with me as I begin to build up content for this blog. I’m looking forward to connecting with you. In the meantime, you can follow me on Instagram to keep up to date on new postings. Oh, and subscribe to my monthly newsletter for a summary of new content and for the latest coupon codes, I promise, it’ll be no more than once a month. You can also find my knits and patterns on Etsy and Ravelry.